
Impression taking, moulding, edition in small and medium series, thermoforming, working with resins, epoxy lamination as well as production and implementation of structural composite panels on vacuum tables.

See our productions #Composite

Atelier Devineau - photo 1.jpg
Atelier Devineau - 2013-10 - GALERIE ART - montage96.jpg
Atelier Devineau - 2011-07 - VENDOME - atelier85.jpg
Atelier Devineau - 2015 - X101 LUXEMBOURG - atelier1.jpg
Atelier Devineau - 2018-03 - PLATANES - atelier25.jpg
Atelier Devineau - Capture d’écran 2020-09-05 à 12.24.09.jpg
Atelier Devineau - 2012-03 - CRISTAUX - atelier3.jpg